Our Process

EVMA Processing Workflow

The journey of EV metals from their natural state to usable forms involves a series of processes. With EVMA, you are part of this transformative journey. You can invest in the metals at an early stage of pre-processing, setting the stage for a seamless entry into EV metals with a greater roadmap for growth. 

Before extraction, these metals lie untouched in the ground, forming part of the earth’s mineral wealth.

Once extracted from the earth, these metals exist as ores – which allows them to be processed. With EVMA , you can buy into this stage, offering a unique opportunity for ownership and profitability as they are purified further. 

Smelting is the process by which the metal is heated and melted after a series of different steps, depending on the type metal and its grade. It’s an essential step in purifying the metal and preparing it for further refining.

After the smelting the metals undergo further processes to remove any remaining impurities bringing it to a 99.99% grade. The purified metal is of a higher value and getting closer to the LME or spot price.

Once purified, some of the metals can be formed into bars, making them more sellable on the market.

Metals can be stamped into coins, depending on the type, further increasing the value. 

Your EV metals are securely stored in bonded, insured warehouses, offering safety and security to store your metals for as long as you wish. 

EVMA offers more than just the opportunity to buy metals – it provides a comprehensive system of processing and value addition. From ores to coin, you can buy low and sell high with our one of a kind business model. Get in one one of the hottest opportunities available with a company that has the expertise and network to make it happen for you. 

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